Don’t say “Your parents do not understand you”
Don’t say “Your parents do not understand you”.
You just need to learn to sell better. Show them, persuade them, guide them through your journey and make them feel why it is important for you.
If it is important for you, eventually it will be important for them too. Get better at this game but only without lying and deceptions.
Because you won’t be able to pay the price when the stakes are high.
Entrepreneurship is a lonely journey, there are several phases other than product building, spending time with your team, pitching your clients. Peace of mind plays a very important role at that very point of time, the more people you have in your side supporting you, the stronger you will feel and the better you will make decisions for your team.
Do not lose your close one who matters specially your parents. They might be wrong at times, but their intention cannot be wrong for you. It’s unconditional.
Keep your intent honest and keep moving ahead.