Hatred is a slow poison that eventually affects everyone | #DailyBlink43

Riten Debnath
3 min readMar 25, 2020


According to a study “Hate is a complex emotion. When expressed, it often manifests itself as hostility, anger, and aggression. It then brings about a plethora of side-effects. A study conducted by the National Center for Biotechnology Information presents health risks that hostility, anger, and aggressiveness can pose. The study explains that anger results in excessive release of corticosteroids and catecholamine, which in turn causes vascular problems and irregular cardiac rhythm. It thereby increases the risk of developing coronary heart disease.”

When you decide to hate somebody, you will always find everything to be negative about that person. Whatever the situation, you will successfully find loopholes in the efforts and create disharmony among the group of people.

In modern times, as we all can see around us, human emotions are being weaponized for personal gains. This happens when you refuse to fight for the best and choose to settle. Hence you decide to weaponize their emotion to hate your opponent in order to love and preach you. With hatred towards each other, a society heads towards doom eventually. All the rejoice and glory achieved through cheating and manipulation is temporary and history is an example of that.

Since truth is immortal, it will prevail eventually.

The opposite of hate is love. I believe it to be the strongest force. It gives you peace of mind. It helps you focus on the silver lining in every situation.

How to be positive:

Even though it is hard to measure, why don’t we apply the Pareto’s 80/20 principle while learning from the life of a person?

We might save a lot of energy as well.

Nobody is perfect, every great leader we know in the history of mankind has 80 percent of the side that has shaped their 20 percent and mostly we get to know that only. That’s natural, but when we dig and dive more into their personal life, you are bound to find the ugly side and that’s when you forget every good deed of that person.

Train yourself

Train your mind to be positive in every situation. Negativity squeezes out all the energy that eventually contributes nothing to productivity. Also, you became a negative person because of the impact it lefts inside you. Then you start looking to feed your cognitive biases and the chain continues until eternity.

Here’s the timeline:

  1. You find something negative.

2. You start feeding your cognitive biases.

3. Then you start looking for a tribe

4. You build a tribe and everybody found to be doing the same.

Two things happen from here:

  1. Either you look forward to solving it or
  2. You do nothing and continue to provoke others whenever they are trying to do something.

The former one is rare.

Hatred, when unleashed, causes destruction. So, why do we hate? More importantly, why do some of us act on that hatred? Clearly, we can say hatred is a double-edged sword. Besides destroying the object of our hate, it destroys our own health and peace of mind, when left unchecked.

Temporary success

With hatred in your mind, you might succeed temporarily but you cannot make this world a better place to live in for others because the price is huge, the dynamics of this world is a lot harder to understand with hatred and finding negative in others' work. That is the least I believe. Humans evolve, the same with our thinking potential. You will always find funny to watch the movies that were released 20 years back due to its logic involved mostly in various action scenes.

Therefore, spread positive energy, spread love. Learn to acknowledge, give respect to the deserving and build your own path which you think you can make better. That’s how human race will progress ahead.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you find it helpful. Say Hi 👋 Twitter Instagram. I’d love to connect.

Your Friend,



Riten Debnath
Riten Debnath

Written by Riten Debnath

Tech • Design • Stories | Building FuelerHQ. Writing drafts on everyday learnings from building a startup in India.

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