How to invite your friends on Fueler?
Inviting your friend on Fueler is really very simple. It takes less than even 10 seconds. Yes, that is absolutely right.
Step: 1 Go to you dashboard
This is how your fueler dashboard will look like
Step 2: Click on “Invite Friends” Button
Once you are on Fueler Dashboard, you can now click on the “Invite Friends” button to send invites to your friend
Step 3: Enter you friend’s email id
Now enter you friend’s email id. Note: You cannot send invite twice on the same email id.
Step 4: click “Send Invite”
Once you have entered the email id. Now click on “Send Invite”. Your friend will recieve a mail from
Here’s the video version of it how you can invite your friend on Fueler in less than 10 secs.