I met a marketing manager today | #DailyBlink08
So today we had the opportunity to attend one of the events of Alien Brain Education “Take Off”. It a networking event for the student who wants to pursue their career in tech. This initiative was mainly conceptualized to have a candid discussion on tech and its upgrading nature between the students and the experts from the industry.
I happened to meet Suryansh, Marketing Manager of Openhouse. Openhouse is one of the startups based in Kolkata, making shared space for educators passionate about experienced learning.
Already in two locations of Kolkata, they have now expanded to the IT capital of the country, Bangalore. I wish them nothing but success. Somebody had to challenge the conventional methodologies and bring a new perspective to the market. As always, Creation > Ideation.
Won’t be surprised if we find many more initiatives tweaking with a similar idea once the idea is mature enough and parents are willing to try this out for their children. Once the market is created other brands will join the party sometimes even captures your market share unless you are creating a moat around your product. Survival to the fittest is real in startups too.
So we were discussing social media strategies mainly about brand communication, consumer behavior, and the decreasing attention span in humans.
The best part was getting a book recommendation. Personally I feel it is literally the best part of any discussion. The book is Fast, Cheap and Viral: How to Create Game-Changing Content on a Shoestring Budget by Aashish Chopra. Here’s a short 1 min intro about the book from the author himself.
Altogether it was a great experience learning from experienced people. Looking forward to learning more from him in the future.
Well, it was the second time I visited Openhouse. Watching kids learning with the help of activities is indeed a happy feeling. You’d love it too. Here’s my Saturday Spree 1 & 2 from the space.
Thanks for reading. I hope you found this helpful. Say Hi 👋 Twitter Instagram. I’d love to connect.
Your Friend,