Important lesson to learn from first-time founders | #DailyBlink34
You will be facing a lot of dilemmas while building a company especially when it is for the first time. Suddenly everyone around you will have advice for you even from those who have never built their own. It’s very important that you learn from the experiences and mostly from the failures.
What works for one company, at one stage, won’t work for another company at the same stage. Even though you are following every step perfectly doesn’t guarantee you success but it will reduce your odds of failure. You will fail, you will succeed, you will tweak, you will innovate, you will fail but most importantly what I believe, this is what a journey of building a company is all about.
Being a first-time founder, you will be facing a lot of things for the first time and most of the time, you certainly have no idea to make decisions and proceed and I guess that’s totally natural. Fear ain’t easy, it doesn’t work equally for everyone but all the situations and circumstances that don’t work according to your plan will make you a lot stronger than you can imagine.
I have tried to compile an article based on the lessons shared by the first time founders on the internet.
Time is short. Learn from the mistakes of others. You can’t live long enough to make them all yourselves. This is the sole reason for writing this article.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you find it helpful. Say Hi 👋 Twitter Instagram. I’d love to connect.
Your Friend,