Lesson from failed founders | #DailyBlink03
Today I had a lot of things to write but I felt this is more important. I came across this series of Medium based on stories of failed founders. Thanks to Medium’s Recommendation.
As the profile says, the series is going to the blog post by a thirty-something entrepreneur who made all the mistakes in the big startup playbook, and then some.
What's impressive for me was the catchy titles of these blog posts. No BS. Just straight to the point.
Here it goes:
Nothing makes me happier than a productive day and my constant zeal to share what I have learned from my time here. Startups are undoubtedly hard and it is really important we help each other out. Instead of playing negative sum games, we can play a positive-sum game where each one of us can win. Each one can become wealthy in this free market. And our time here in India has just begun. I ain't stopping, neither should you.
Thanks for reading. I hope you found these helpful. Say Hi 👋 Twitter Instagram. I’d love to connect.
Your Friend,