Not easy being an entrepreneur at tier 2, 3 & 4 cities of India | #DailyBlink32
To the entrepreneurs in tiers 2, 3 & 4 cities of India that are trying hard to sustain their business and yet are unacknowledged & unencouraged by the society:
Every entrepreneurial journey is unique and represents the dedication, sweat and tears that ultimately lead to success. Remember your entrepreneurial journey will be a unique experience and you don’t have to go at it alone. Maintaining a strong focus on your private company vision, along with surrounding yourself with a dedicated support team will help you achieve your goals and plans for success in the future.
I have respect for you all. You have to keep showing up. It’s a marathon.
If you plan for 3–5 years, you will have a lot of competition, but when you plan for 10 years, the competition will be comparatively less.
So yes, entrepreneurship is indeed a marathon.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you find it helpful. Say Hi 👋 Twitter Instagram. I’d love to connect.
Your Friend,