Nuggets you should definitely read | #DailyBlink07
It has been almost a while now using Twitter. To be very honest, I cannot get enough of it. I feel it’s way different than other social media platforms. I never got justification for not being able to edit your tweet once it is on the air. But slowly I realized that it’s pretty much similar to our life. There is no CTRL/CMD + Z for life. Once it is done, you cannot undo it. You have to take accountability for your actions and play accordingly.
Recently I came across some of the threads on Twitter, they are no less than nuggets. Most of them are from my Twitter bookmark.
- How the world will look like in 10 years:
2. Mother of thread of book summaries:
3. Writing is a superpower. Expression of thoughts concretized when you write them. Works two way. Here’s the list of people that should write.
4. A thread on career building. Very well written.
5. The very popular “How to get rich (without getting lucky) by Naval Ravikant:
6. Here’s a beautiful one that will definitely make you think like “ah! Most people probably quit at this time. If I continue, good things will happen and it’ll be less competition.”
7. Blockchains will replace networks with markets by Naval
8. Erik Torenberg explaining the context of how people make career decisions based on “loops”
9. Untaught truths of Adulthood by Alexander J.A Cortes: [Couldn’t find the actual one]
10. Again, Suhail Doshi on first 18 Months of a Startup
11. Marketing as simple as that:
12. Fresh perspective on Marketplace Startup:
That’s all for today. Thanks for reading. I hope you found this helpful. Say Hi 👋 Twitter Instagram. I’d love to connect.
Your Friend,