Our niche of marketing for KiwisMedia | #DailyBlink74
So far, we have been targeting users on social media through Facebook and Instagram. For the offline market, we are trying to reach students through seminars, online sessions on different industry-oriented topics.
Setting up the niche
Deciding the niche for marketing a product is a difficult job. It takes time and practice to understand what works and what doesn’t. We have been consistently posting content about brands, companies, culture hack, industry news, and behaviors. Recently only we have maneuvered towards our users to explain the use case of our product.
Following are the niche that we have focused on:
Startups & Companies: News and latest happenings about different companies and startups across the globe. Our long term goal is to bring our customers closer to the brand, helping them discover brands and the way they work and the kind of products & services they bring into the market.
Job Creation: Stories around how entrepreneurship encourages new job new opportunities in society.
Entrepreneurship: Tips & Trick in the simplest form for aspiring entrepreneurs. Latest happenings, tools, and resources to kickstart and thrive in this competitive world.
Branding & Marketing: Best practices of branding and marketing adopted by different brands across the globe for entrepreneurs.
Outliers: Stories about unique and interesting stories about brands
Industry Insights: This is specially designed for students to make them aware of the scenarios and the demands in the industry. These are mostly a collection of sayings and thoughts from industry leaders on current trends, demands, upskilling, growth opportunities & industry 4.0.
Passion: We are yet to introduce this into our social media campaigns. This will be based on stories from different users about their projects, products, achievements, and success stories. A small effort toward celebrating and acknowledging the effort by our users. Our aim through this is to inspire more users to take action and prioritize experienced-based learning by doing.
Why are we doing this?
We want to inspire our users to build their portfolio, document it so that they are confident about their knowledge. A lot of users actually want to work somewhere based on the works they have done. During interviews, our platform will help them stand for their works and can get jobs based on that.
You cannot force or impose but you can inspire.
- We want to make “upskilling” an inspiring thing for our users.
- A healthy competition through inspiration to learn and do more.
- Peers to peers learning by exploring profiles of others
- Incrementing in profile rank allowing them to unlock opportunities to apply in more companies in our marketplace.
Gamification of KiwisMedia user profile
Gamification of profiles based on their activities, contribution, and value of their kiwismedia profile will allow them to apply in our marketplace of companies and startups.
Most of the time, it’s difficult to understand one’s worth based on the work one has done while taking career decisions in life. We are trying to build a standard protocol through which the user just has to focus on upgrading their profile worth by doing and documenting it.
Reward Programs
We will introduce rewards and goodies for the users on upgrading to the next level so that it inspires them to do more and be more.
Prior we need to work on the distribution of our product so that more number of users can benefited from this. At least that is the only priority we have right now. Right now, we are only focusing on value creation for our users so that it helps them ahead in life on building an identity for themselves.
Eduonix Learning Solutions is the premier training and skill development organization that was started with a vision to bring world-class training content, pedagogy, and best learning practices to everyone’s doorsteps. Eduonix aims to identify and provide the best learning and training environment. It identifies industry veterans and content creators around the globe and brings it to the global audience using a number of intuitive platforms for easy and affordable access to quality content. Eduonix offers easy to understand online courses and workshops for everyday people.
The best part is they claim to guide you if you are looking for alternative solutions to college graduation programs.
They are claiming to have taught to over 120000 students globally. Currently aim to touch millions of lives and bring them the joy of knowledge. That’s quite an inspiration.
They are also offering most of the premium courses free of cost to get you started.