Politics will drain your productive juice, here's how | #DailyBlink50
Politics in India was never that interesting. Due to technology, hyperconnectivity, curiosity, and transparency, it has become a very compelling topic for anybody living in India and living outside India to dive more into it.
The story about the truth
Truth is eternal. Everybody wants to know the truth. But due to temporary gains, it gets manipulated and being used as propaganda to incite the common public. A simple common public wants things to be in the simplest way possible. They rarely bare the pain to research the whole situation not because they cannot and are not privileged with but because they have other daily mundane works that feed their family. Unfortunately, they don’t have the luxury to incite people based on the narratives from their cozy comfort zone.
The common public contributes to the majority of the Indian population and is gullible to hidden agendas which they might never get to know about. Hence they are the easy target for every politician to gain votes.
Opinions that matter
And you will find, most of the people have got their opinions[considering even me here] as if they have been in politics for a very long time. Each politician we know today in India has been around in politics for decades. Is experience hackable?
The viral news
Most of the viral news is being spread without any conscious efforts to verify it by the majority of the people just because it suits their narrative.
Considering there are fact-checking initiatives but what happens when are biased and does hypocrisy. Yes, they are humans afterall.
The educational narrative
There are questions about the educational qualifications of various politicians. Going with the same logic, we should ask all the successful entrepreneurs to show their MBA and PHDs in management for running a successful business for decades. Can we?
Building a business empire is no less than running a country/state/district. It’s all the leadership and influence in the end that counts.
However, a degree doesn’t define your education. Having a degree doesn’t mean you are smarter, better, more qualified, or harder working than a person who doesn’t have one. It just means that you went to extra schooling to learn more about a particular subject and now you have a piece of paper to prove it. That is literally all a degree is a piece of paper.
Also, it is not like that the educated one are the holy grail and has always worked toward the development of the common. We all can refer back to history in time.
Is there a solution to all the above?
So to know the actual truth, you have to go dive in, know and understand both the side of the coin to unveil it. And it's a time-consuming process, you are literally dealing with things you will have no idea about, you might dig out new pieces of information, you research it tp verify it and again you find some new information and this vicious cycle goes on and on.
It’s very fine you are pursuing a career in it but if you are regular India, it will cost you a dime. Because the time is never wasted, it's you that is wasted.
Even after all this If you really want to contribute to politics? [consideering you are a responsible citizen and want to value your vote]
Think hyperlocal.
Question & scrutinize your local authority regarding the development and the changes they have made in their tenure and what vision they hold for the future.
Imagine, every local authority will come into action if this kind of practice is being followed in every part of the country. The leaders at the hyperlocal level will in fact become proactive and citizen-centric to justify their valuable vote and take action to the best of the national interest.
But again, it’s easier said than done. Execution is the only way
Not far away, when this will be solved through technologies, with innovation, dedication, and empathy. As we all can see the initiatives taken by the different Governmental bodies to solves various problems.
It all won’t be possible: If the respective leaders are not visionary.
Somewhere I believe, the population of our country is not the problem, it’s just we failed to deliver visionary leaders. Leaders that are selfless and are willing to eat last.
The silver lining among all these?
Truth is eternal. It will travel slowly as per time but will surely win. Time is relative. If you are faking, time will expose you.
Learn history!
Lie only when you think you are powerful than time.
Anybody who will lie will soon be exposed by the time. The principles of nature are timeless.
You cannot fool a common man now. Awareness, connectivity, and curiosity is all-time high now in India.
Do things that are in your control.
Suppose if today I’m working in a startup. I guess the best thing that I can do is to try and find ways to solve the problem with all the education and experience I have acquired to date. This is something I love about entrepreneurship. It offers you an abundance of opportunities to solve towards the solution to the problem. The internet at an affordable price that we all get to use today is a fine example of that. Everybody can become wealthy.
What I personally believe is we have to think above politics, look for cooperation and social harmony. I wouldn’t be looking for political ideologies while working with someone since I ain’t trying to build a political party. Instead, I’d be looking for skillset that would add value to the very goals we want to achieve.
Likewise, I wouldn’t be expecting the same from the other coworkers in the team to spread or share any associated with politics as it may create unnecessary chaos and division in the team and nothing costs you more than the loss of productivity specially when you are working on a startup, which has no significance until you prove it to the world. And proving and building consensus takes decades of sheer hardwork, grit and patience.
Even if it takes time, it will be your skin in the game that will reward you when it’s time until then you exercise your only superpower: doing. You have been gifted with opportunity called life, wouldn’t you try your best to make it count?
So, in the end should I busy working towards the startup or indulge myself in the political debates and taking dopamine doses?
I guess, I’d left that to the people associated, working and getting commissioned for same.
It smashes you hard for not looking at the bright side in every situation you face when you are working on something new. It’s very easy to give up but not to stand up. Hence very few are doing and are being rewarded by the world.
Therefore, love trumps all. Chase that silver lining.
Thanks for reading.
Your Friend