The shift we can make in the history of time | #DailyBlink22
I came across a video today in which Sadhguru was speaking about our country India. The ending was something that has intrigued me. I hope you read it till the end.
“For me, India is a large segment of humanity 1.3 billion population in a nation. A large number of them had such a bad deal in the last 10-15 generations because of their occupation, slavery, poverty and so many things. Right now we are sitting on a threshold, where if you do the right things in the next 5–10 years, we could take this massive population across one level of living to another.
I don’t want some idiot mess it up and that’s the reason why I’m standing up and speaking up for the nation. Because that is the kind of possibility that has never happened before in the history of humanity. Never before, this many people had the opportunity to move from one level to another. Right now we are sitting on a threshold in a democratic way. We can take nearly 600 million people from one level to another. This can happen in just the next 10 years’ time, we’re just on the edge of that.
I don’t want this possibility to be destroyed by anybody because of their personal agendas, that’s the only reason why I’m speaking strongly stepping out.”
I don’t know in what way you will take this, but this is something that made sense to me. Because I’m a part of that India he was speaking about very loud and clear.
With the right kind of attitude, we youth can do wonders in the world. We can solve the problems in the grassroots level of this country. We equally hold the potential to give our best, sometimes you realize it, sometimes you don't. Even if you realize it, most of us cannot make the leap to challenge the conventional method that has been going throughout years after year. Maybe we have become addicted to conveniences that we have been gifted with compared to our parents and great grandparents.
Every day, I’m seeing all the possible ways of how technology is badly affecting us. Some of the behavior changes you may notice:
- Instant Gratification
- Impatience
- Mood Swings
- Obesity
- Health Problems
- Anti Social
- Laziness
- Sleep-Deprived
- Depression & Anxiety
- Victim of facade
- Fear of Missing out
- Compounding Unrealistic Expectations
- Relationship Failures.
- Decreasing attention span
and the list might go on and on. Technology can be both the boon and bane for mankind. Sometimes I feel, we are not yet ready for all the hyper changes happening all around us. It is against the law of nature given which the duration we have to wait to get something in life has become null. This is, however, a clear indication that we have to jump for the next level because that how advancement in society happens.
Or else, we all just stuck the same level. I’m hoping we will realize this soon enough and grab up the opportunities that we have been given the privileges with.
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you find it helpful. Say Hi 👋 Twitter Instagram. I love making new friends, as always.
Your Friend,