Things about your vision nobody has ever told you | #DailyBlink84
We all go through a moment in life when we are working on our dream project. We feel everyone will understand or will take an interest in what you are doing. But the reality is different. The majority of them won’t bother about what your are doing. Here’s why.
According to Arvid Kahl, “Some of your friends just won’t get it. They will complain that you prioritize work over them. For them, work is the annoying part of the day. They assume it is the same for you, and since you prefer work, they must be boring. And then they complain loudly, about how it used to be better in the past, and that the friendship must be meaningless to you.
You will need to find people who respect that you have a vision. A friend will respect your choice to go on an adventure. They will respect you and your idea.
Find people who elevate you and enjoy talking about the bigger picture. Don’t let people pull you down and distract you from your goals. A friend supports your dreams when they see passion. Step away from people who caution you all the time and belittle your work.”
It’s not their fault either. It’s just how it is and that is how your journey is worth it.
🚀 Finally found a startup who is into upskilling the students of core branch in engineering i.e Mechanical Engineer.
We have platter of Online Courses for the new age IT Skills but not for the core engineering branch.
Here’s a bootstrapped startup that is developing a fascinating service that helps India’s thousands of engineering graduates to turn their book smarts into employable skills and jobs.
🔥 Skill-Lync started out as a YouTube channel to share engineering tips, but today it is an online training course for mechanical engineering candidates. It operates three different types of courses, ranging from one-off modules to full-time curriculums.
According to Tech crunch, “Skill-Lync seeks to match mechanical engineers with U.S-based Masters degree courses and/or employers directly. That’s done through an online learning course that uses video content developed alongside industry companies — the goal is to help instill employable skills and experience to students.
Learn more about them from here