Things To Keep In Mind Before Starting Out The Semester.

Riten Debnath
4 min readAug 16, 2018


Must read for a college student.

Bill Gates say, If you are born poor then its not your fault, but if
you die poor then its your fault.The World’s richest man puts the reality in a nutshell through this famous quote of his. Undergraduate Engineering life with its eight semesters moves with time towards specialization! If you are passionate or want to do stuffs to earn money then definitely you are gonna be energetic.

A beginning of a new semester refurbishes our academics with the new set of subjects and curriculum. So how to make your life count and do stuff that really make you happy and engaged! Well with the experience of three years I would be offering you some information and stances of How to make your life enjoyable and utilize The Best Years of Our Youth Life

  1. Try reading in depth with the help of Books written by foreign authors:

If yours is a decent college, then definitely, you are going to have access to some good deal of books and magazines in the LIBRARY.

Spend quality time in understanding the subjects. Read in depth and have a thorough understanding of it.

Enrol for NPTEL courses and watch videos by professors of MIT through MIT OpenCourseWare. They teach you from the very basic level and give you some great deal of Knowledge.

Once you gain momentum, look for adding new dimensions to your knowledge by collaborating with professors and submitting Journals.

Do not hesitate to share facts plus your own inquisitive questions and mail them to IIT professors. They are the noblest, kind hearted and knowledgeable people in the country. So they would not only answer your queries but would suggest you a good way to enhance your knowledge about any idea or any project.

From gaining insight on a domain you can well look out for Internships at renowned MNC’S and mail professors at the Indian Institute of Technology. Keep trying again and again, you will come through with flying colors.

2. Do Participate in Competitions and activities

Google is abound with many websites where they keep students/graduates posted and updated with many competitions and activities. PARTICIPATE and make yourself PROUD.

If you participate in various Seminars, Conferences, competitions that are conducted/sponsored by the the Government or your area of study then Attendance shall not be an issue. Just the hack is that make yourself useful. This will filter you out from the rest of the other students.

3. Hit the Gym:

You should learn to take care of yourself in order to maintain your physical and mental health. A person with good health and fitness becomes able to live his/her life to its fullest extent.

It is very important for a person in life to be physically and mentally fit to live a healthy and happy life. Healthy and fit people become less prone to the medical conditions.

Fitness does not mean to be physically fit only, it also means with healthy mental state of the person. One can get healthy mental state if he/she becomes physically fit. With regular exercise of 30 mins atleast you can achieve it.

4. Participate in NCC/NSS or Sport and Extra Curricular activities:

Such activities in college really make you proud of being associated with
it. This adds new dimensions to your life and shapes your personality.

5. Keep Yourself Busy with Meaningful Activities 24 x 7:

Do not waste time doing stuffs that don’t really add value to your life. If
you manage to abide by my suggestions and follow them, It might very well get compared with the lifestyle of your IITian counterparts.

Remember you have NPTEL lectures at the Internet for free. So World class, High quality teaching at IIT is freely available. These are some of the domains that make a difference between you and an IITian.

People from IIT’s have great world class sports facilites. Try to participate in
National University Games and play sports that are
available and interests you. Obviously you need your college support for this.

However with sheer passion, dedication , hardwork you may even surpass them and define your own way of leading your Engineering Life and guide

Dream with your set of goals and aspirations and make small targets.
Former President of India Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam said:

“Sapna wo nahi jo tum so ke dekho, sapna wo he jo
tumhe sone na de”

English Translation: Dream is not that which you see
while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.

Thanks for taking out time to read this.

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Riten Debnath
Riten Debnath

Written by Riten Debnath

Tech • Design • Stories | Building FuelerHQ. Writing drafts on everyday learnings from building a startup in India.

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